Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

The next month or so promises many changes for extended family. A mother-in-law leaving her home of 45+ years, a daughter and her husband crossing the big pond to live in Europe for the foreseeable future, and the son who lives up North with his bride-to-be navigating the FAFSA to get back in school.

I need to continually practice my deep breathing and living in the Now.  The breathing part is so much easier than the Now.  Now is nebulous.  And can actually be stretched a bit. Now can be an instant or a decade (if you look at the longer timeline of history, anyway).  Nowadays is a different kind of "now".  But isn't that long view just a cheat to waggle a way to worry.? I think that "Be Here Now" guy back in the Seventies was really talking about the more short-term "now" and if I'm serious about controlling my urge to worry, I really need to get a grip on the now and then (ironically) let it go.

Does any of this have anything to do with Valentine's Day?  Now?  Yes.  Now I have spent time with my husband, made cream of wheat with raisins, and planned for a future together.  What's not to love about that? 

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