Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

The next month or so promises many changes for extended family. A mother-in-law leaving her home of 45+ years, a daughter and her husband crossing the big pond to live in Europe for the foreseeable future, and the son who lives up North with his bride-to-be navigating the FAFSA to get back in school.

I need to continually practice my deep breathing and living in the Now.  The breathing part is so much easier than the Now.  Now is nebulous.  And can actually be stretched a bit. Now can be an instant or a decade (if you look at the longer timeline of history, anyway).  Nowadays is a different kind of "now".  But isn't that long view just a cheat to waggle a way to worry.? I think that "Be Here Now" guy back in the Seventies was really talking about the more short-term "now" and if I'm serious about controlling my urge to worry, I really need to get a grip on the now and then (ironically) let it go.

Does any of this have anything to do with Valentine's Day?  Now?  Yes.  Now I have spent time with my husband, made cream of wheat with raisins, and planned for a future together.  What's not to love about that? 

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Flash Blog

I got up early this morning and suddenly thought I could post goofy stuff on FB as well as the next guy. So, posted several witticisms/observations within a span of fifteen minutes and waited for the plethora of volleys to be returned. Waiting... waiting... waiting...

Now, I'll let that stuff percolate and turn my attentions to blogging. Wha-!?!?

Yes, blogging. I've resisted for years because it didn't seem I had anything to say. Or wasn't sure I knew what, of the gazillion things I might write about, I might write about. Or maybe I resisted because I was worried about what I'd say and what others might read into what I'd say or what I'd say and what I meant or what I'd say when I didn't have anything to say. But what the heck? It's 2010. Who cares?

So, blog it is. At least for today. At least, that's what I'm gonna call it.

I attended the Eckerd College Writers Conference – Writers in Paradise – two weeks ago and have written precious little since. Reasons? Maybe I have some. I feel like I'm trying to land. Does that mean I'm flighty? Maybe. But maybe it just means I'm in the air without a flight plan. When I get back on the ground will I write poetry? Or fiction? Or essays? Or recipes? Or letters? Or pieces of “my” novel? (I have to put quotes around it because it seems so cliché and, at this point, “silly” to say I have a novel in the works.)

Writing ANYthing makes me feel like I'm a little closer to earth. In a good way. In fact, it feels great! In a not crash-landing way.

In fact, maybe today is the day that I glide in, wings spread, feeling the rush of wind on my face. My legs are strong, the conditions are right, and I'm sure I will land on my feet.